Sunday, June 9, 2024

Sunday Stamping With Susan & Julie #158 - Thoughtful Journey

Good afternoon!  Welcome to Sunday Stamping With Susan & Julie!  I hope wherever you are the weather is just as gorgeous as it is in Southeast Michigan.  I am excited about the product we are sharing this week - Thoughtful Journey on pages 46-47.  The star of the show is the beautiful Designer Series Paper - hand painted by the incredible artists at Stampin' Up!  It was hard to choose which one(s) to use!

Part 1 Video: Sunday Stamping With Susan & Julie #158 Thoughtful Journey
Part 2 Video:  Sunday Stamping With Susan & julie #158 Thoughtful Journey

Don't forget about the additional 10% off Stamps & Dies Bundles!  Check them out here:

Stampin' Up! Shopping List:

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